Technology and It's Negative Impacts

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Technology and Its’ Negative Impacts Technology is becoming more popular in every aspect of the world today. Its importance has begun changing the way we do things each day, mostly because it continues to increase our capabilities and knowledge. With the help of our media, technology is never at a standstill. No matter where we turn, we are forced to learn to use technology in our everyday lives, sometimes even if we do not chose to. With a majority of today’s media focusing on technology and how it can make our lives easier, it is way too common to overlook its negative impacts. If we compared our newer generations to the way our grandparents lived when they were younger, we would see how much technology is growing and impacting our children. Most of these outcomes have made negative impacts on our society today. Laziness is over-ruling children’s lives today and parents are choosing to see that technology is its source. According to Dr. Gwenn O'Keeffe, CEO and editor-in-chief of Pediatrics Now, she believes, “Another potential risk of social media has been dubbed ‘Facebook depression.’ When preteens and teens spend too much time on social media sites, they may begin to show classic signs of depression, such as changing sleep and eating habits, experiencing mood swings, hanging out with different friends or becoming socially isolated.” (Serena, 2011). It is very common today to see a child prefer to stay indoors watching television or playing video games, rather than stay active or involved in athletics and outdoor activities. When I was younger, my parents tried to keep us away from technology and media by limiting our television use, as well as the computer. We were only given the opportunity to watch a maximum of thirty minutes a day of educational television shows using the computer to play interactive learning programs. Because we were shielded from a

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