Techniques for Crisis Intervention

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Techniques of Crisis Intervention ANNABEL PRINS AND JOSEF RUZEK T various intervention techniques to facilitate the goals of crisis intervention: reempowerment and reconnection. Recall that crisis intervention differs from psychotherapy and medical interventions in both structure (time-limited and crisis-focused) and beliefs about coping and helping (use of the empowerment model). In this chapter, basic techniques of feminist therapy and crisis intervention are reviewed. These techniques serve as the backbone for all crisis intervention contacts. Indeed, learning these basic skills will help you in most crisis situations. Specific applications to different crisis situations are presented in the next chapter. H E S E X U A L A S S A U LT C O U N S E L O R C A N U S E Techniques of Feminist Therapy Feminist theory holds that “personal” experiences like sexual abuse or assault are “political” because they exist in a society where gender violence and the degradation of women are accepted. Furthermore, feminist theory holds that the relationship between helper and person being helped is equal. These positions are consistent with both the empowerment model of helping and the goals and objectives of crisis intervention. There are various ways in which this value system can be communicated to a survivor. The following are a few suggestions for applying feminist values to crisis intervention.1 • Do what you can to demystify the helping process. This can be accomplished by explaining your role as that of someone who can help clarify and support a survivor’s own goals. In essence, share with the survivor your endorsement of the empowerment model of helping. Recognize, explicitly, that your role as a sexual assault counselor is to provide understanding and support, not friendship or specific advice. Explain that the goal of crisis intervention is to reempower and
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