Teaching English Through Translation

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CONTENTS I. Introduction Pg2 II. Translation as a Language Teaching Tool Pg 3-6 III. Conclusion Pg 7 IV. Bibliography Pg 8 V. Webography Pg 9 I. INTRODUCTION The use of translation as a pedagogical tool for teaching and learning a L2 has raised historically a clash between those who consider that its use is more harmful than beneficial and those who find more benefits than damage in using it. According to Joaquin Garcia-Medall on his article about “Translation in Teaching Languages”, there are certain arguments for and against the use of it, such as translation being an activity that only involves two skills, Reading and writing but, on the good side of it, to Valero Garcés (1996) translation is the communicative activity par excellence, and it is applicable to more learning situations than we can imagine. Another argument against the use of translation could be that it is not a communicative activity because there is a lack of oral interaction but, on the other hand and according to Gilbert (1989), translation shows certain demands for the learner to extend their communicative competence in L2, because it faces other authors texts, concepts that may be unrelated and ideas and actions that may be unknown. It results on a wider knowledge of lexicon (L1 and L2) and stimulates underused resources and research of their own language. I totally agree with Gilbert and Valero Garcés. I think Translation is a very important tool to be used in language teaching. In my opinion, every language is different due to several factors such as culture, weather, food, etc. And expressions are made out of this factors depending on when, where and who uses them. Therefore, these expressions can never be the exact same in every language and that is why literal translation works only for semantic contexts. All these factors have to be

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