Teaching Assistant-Level 3 Diploma

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Question 1: Give examples of how you would plan activities. I would plan activities by: Following the agreed plan (e.g. curriculum/lesson/activity /Individual Education Plans or Individual Behaviour Plan) Identifying individual learning needs-type & level of support needed Specify intended learning outcomes for the pupils-the objectives of the learning activity Prepare for the learning activity-research topic Select resources for the learning activity Identify staff roles-the teaching assistant’s contribution to the learning activity Implement the learning activity-using the specific strategies for supporting the learning activity Observe & record pupils’ responses including achievements/difficulties Evaluate the learning activity Identify future learning needs Question 2: Describe your role in delivering learning activities. My role in delivering learning activities is: Preparing the learning environment to meet the individual learning needs of each pupil in the class Provide appropriate learning activities for individuals & groups of pupils Selecting & using appropriate learning materials Supervising an individual or group of pupils Maintain pupil safety during the learning activity Interacting with the pupils in ways that focus their attention on the learning potential of the learning materials, e.g. asking questions such as ‘what happens if you do....?’ Using praise & encouragement to help pupils participate fully in the learning Observing pupil responses during the learning activity Question 3: Make a list of things expected of you as part of your role in supporting an individual pupil or group of pupils. Things that would be expected of me as part of my role in supporting an individual or small group are: Understanding the pupils learning support needs Listening to the pupils Enabling the pupil to access the
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