Teaching and Learning Styles

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Teaching and learning styles. Teaching Styles: Lecture: is an oral presentation of a large amount of information being conveyed to a large amount of learners. Case Method: Presenting learners with a case and letting them take in the role of decision maker facing a problem. Discussion: when learners and teachers exchange ideas to better understand a certain topic. Active Learning: when learners are responsible do more than just listen, but be active with reading, writing and solving problems. Cooperative Learning: classroom activities are organised into academic and social experiences. Integrating Technology: To allow students to apply technology and computer skills for problem-solving and learning. Distance Learning: this type of learning usually takes place on an individual level, when the teacher and learner is not at the same place at the same time but the learners is being educated. Said method: the teacher uses speech to convey information. Question and Answer method: the teacher gives a set of questions aimed at a curtain outcome. Demonstration Method: to help learners understand and develop skills by viewing and beholding a set of actions. Learning Styles: Visual/Spatial: Learn by viewing. Prefer pictures, images and spatial understanding Verbal/Linguistic: Involves both written and spoken word. Prefers to listen and take notes. Logical/Mathematical: Prefers logical reasoning and systems. Problem-solver. Interpersonal: Social style of learning. Learn by being socially active and communicating both verbally and non-verbally. Intrapersonal: Prefer to work alone and use self-study. Learners have self-confidence and are strong willed. Audio/Musical: learners have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. The ability to create understands and interprets musically. Body/Kinaesthetic: learning takes place when the learner is physically active in an
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