Tda 2,9 Q1.2

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1.2 Describe with examples the importance of all the staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. All schools should apply boundaries and rules fairly and consistently so children and young people more likely to respond positively also children will learn about equality from the school. For example if a child get prize because he get 100% attendance other children in another classes with same standard should also get the same prize, or if a pupil missing play time because of his or her inappropriate behaviour the same should be applied in all the classes with any child. Therefore all staff must follow the same strategies and be fair when apply rules and boundaries. It is also crucial in order to apple boundaries and rules consistently and fairly that the children and young people are fully understand the scale of reward and sanction and the steps of it, so they aware of the consequences of behaving inappropriately or do not doing their require work whether it is homework or in the class. Furthermore all school rules and expectations should be very clear for all children and young people, for example: class rules, play ground rules, quiet area rules, dinner hall rules, computer suit rules, and library rules they should all be explained for pupils, written in simple and clear language and put in visible places so all pupil can see, read and understand
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