Taxi Driver Movie Research Paper

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TAXI DRIVER MOVIE RESEARCH PAPER Name Institution Introduction Over the decades, movie directors have produced many different genres of movies in the American film industry. During the mid-1990s, many people and movie theatres preferred western movies mostly based on cowboys and Indian battles. It explains why movies produced in later years were based on characters and plots, which were different from these mystifying films. One movie that stands out in this category was the movie “Taxi Driver,” written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese. Everyone has a set of values that determine how they analyze situations in the society. The movie Taxi Driver evokes these values by thought-provoking the viewer’s opinions on some of the most challenging issues in the society including gangs, prostitution, and drugs. Taxi driver is ideologically a classic vigilante movie that introduces violence as the ultimate means of achieving justice in a society where the legal justice system has turned a blind eye them. The New York City depicted in this movie seems too real to be true. The movie came at a time when worst crimes were committed in New York and the United States as a whole hence had several scenes of violence, prostitution, and cheap drugs. It introduced a technique in the film industry that transformed violence into art in the film industry. However, the amount of violence in the movie is overwhelming killing the viewer’s admiration for the movie. Personally, I found the movie to be interesting, but non-conventional because it depicts Travis, a cold-blooded killer as a hero. In as much as, he is delivering justice to wrongdoers for crimes committed and in so doing saving innocent people such as the twelve-year-old child forced into prostitution, killing criminals is not best the solution. Therefore, I did not like most of the scenes in this movie.
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