Tattoos, A Growing Trend In The Workplace

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Running Head: Tattoos, A Growing Trend In The Workplace 1 Jesse DiLevo CPN 101 Writing Assignment 2 Revised Body art is something that has been around for over thousands of years. It is also something that has especially been growing tremendously over the past few decades. No matter what kind of body art it is, whether it is piercings, tattoos, scarification, make up or a new hairstyle, one can expect to see a growing number of people expressing it. Body art has always been a way for people to stand out and be themselves. However, body art is not always accepted everywhere, especially in the workplace. With the growing rate of tattoos and piercings amongst members in our society, employers must take into consideration whether or not they can hire someone with that kind of self-expression. Sometimes when a person is hired his or her tattoos are not a problem, but other times the tattoos and piercings that a person wears can cause major controversial issues. For example, a man working at Starbucks must wear wristbands in order to hide his tattoos. His employer has made the decision that he must cover up his tattoos or he would be fired. A few employees have already been fired for refusing to Sometimes when a person is hired his or her tattoos are not a problem, but other times the tattoos and piercings that a person wears can cause major controversial issues. For example, a man working at Starbucks must wear wristbands in order to hide his tattoos. His employer has made the decision that he must cover up his tattoos or he would be fired. A few employees have already been fired for refusing to Tattoos, A Growing Trend In The Workplace 2 cover up tattoos or remove piercings. Ron Carter has decided to keep his job and cover up his tattoos with wristbands, which can be very annoying to wear all day at work. Employers are allowed to impose

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