Tasks for Ico1

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Tasks For ICO1 – The Principles of Infection prevention and Control. Task. You have been asked to produce an information leaflet or brochure for new staff on the above topic. Please complete the tasks below to assist you in producing this piece of work. 1 – Explains the employers and your responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection ( ICO1 1.2, 1.2). 2 – Outlines current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection. Describe local and organisational policies relevant to the control and prevention of infection (ICO1 2.1 , 2.2 , 3.1)) 3 – Explains the potential impact of an outbreak if infection on the individual and your workplace (ICO1 3.2) 4 – Explain the term “risk”, and outline the potential risks of infection relevant to your workplace. Describe how you would carry out a risk assessment and explain the importance of this. (ICO1 4.1, 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.4) 5 – Describe the different types of PPE used in your workplace, and the reasons for using each one. - Describe current relevant legislation relevant to using PPE. - What are your responsibilities and that of your employer regarding the use of PPE - Describe the correct practice for the application of, removal of and disposal of PPE that has been used. (ICO1 5.1-5.8) 6 – What are the key principles of good personal hygiene? - Describe the correct procedure for handwashing - Explain when and why hand washing should be carried out - What types of products should be used for hand washing - Describe correct procedures that relate to skin care (ICO1 6.1 –

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