Task a 306 Health and Social

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Presentation You have been asked to contribute to an induction day for new staff. You are to prepare a presentation about Health and Safety. It must include the following: A1) A list of the key legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting. * Health and safety at work act 1974 * Management of health and safety at work regulation 1999 * Health and safety (first aid) regulation 1981 including the amendments on 2009 * Manual handling operations regulations 1992 * The electricity at work regulation 1992 * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrence regulation 1995(RIDDOR) * Communicable diseases and infection control * Care standard act 2000 * The medicines act 1968 * Working time regulations 1998 * Food safety act 1990 and food hygiene regulations 2005 * Control of exposure to hazardous to health 1999 * Environmental protection act 1990 A2) explanation of how health and safety policies and procedures protect people using social care settings. Legislations and regulations ensure that guidelines are followed to enforce safety and security within an organisation. Legislation is law which has been created by a governing body. Before a piece of legislation becomes law it may be known as a bill, and may be broadly referred to as legislation while it remains under consideration to distinguish it from other business. Policies ensure that everyone must work within the law and meet the minimum care standards set out by the legislation. Finally, procedures are the steps that are needed to be followed to ensure everyone’s safety within the workplace. In a health and social care environment, official policies are of particular importance. They ensure each individual employee treats customers with care and professionalism. For instance, a doctor in a hospital must refrain from operating on
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