Task 3 - Theorise of Ageing.

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Task 3 - theorise of ageing. Theorists Elaine Cumming and William Henry (1961) formulated the Disengagement theory. This theory was based on a “Growing Old” study. This study followed several hundred men and women through their own personal aging process. It concluded that, when growing old a person removes themselves from society and their loved ones as they get closer to dying. They do this as physical health diminishes cutting possible social options out of their life. To understand the reason behind this it is said that this is a natural process to allow younger people to take their place. When we are born we depend on others for survival. As we grow we gain independence. Later on, as we enter older adulthood we regress back to depending on others. It is then that Cumming and Henry theorized that we withdraw from the world and lose our sense of socialization only cherishing the relationships that is necessary for survival. As a result of this a person who is reliant on a care giver may develop strong attachments to that person and choose to cut others out of their life. This is to fill a basic need for survival. This process of disengagement is to allow the person to except the end of life. This theory is closely linked to Dr August Weismanns (1882) Wear and Tear theory of aging as this is based on the fact that our body will diminish and wear out due to excessive use. He focused on the damage we put out bodies through by introducing toxins in our diet and from the environment. Weismanns said that this would abuse would wear the body out quicker. (Basaraba, 2014 In response to the Disengagement theory Havignhurst (1963) theorized that over a third of the workforce in 2020 will be over fifty. For this reason we need to recognize the benefits of age and experience in the workplace. The activity theory focuses on the need to remain

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