Tanglewood Stores Case 7

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The case states that: “The most important concern is that individuals who are promoted from within the organization to the department manager level are typically viewed by other employees as very qualified and integrated into the corporate culture and mission of Tanglewood. Individuals who are hired from outside…make decisions that are in conflict with the corporate culture…” Based on the KSAOs listed in the job description, these KSAOs do not seem to be addressed in the current selection process: • Knowledge of organizational policies and practices • Skill in judgment and decision making • Ability to think develop original solutions within prescribed parameters • Knowledge of retail management policies and practices • Knowledge of legal precepts underlying personnel management • Skill in the analysis of financial and operational data • Ability to reason inductively • Knowledge of customer service principles • Skill in managing personnel resources After conducting a trial interview with trial questions, these were chosen as final interview questions: a. (Situational) Walk me through one of more challenging times you had to let someone go — what did you try first, how did you make the decision? How much time did it take from when you first started having concerns until when you ultimately let the person go? i. Knowledge of legal precepts underlying personnel management b. (Structured) How does your management philosophy fit in with the Tanglewood culture? i. Knowledge of organizational policies and practices c. (Structured) What do you think the fundamental purpose of a manger is? i. Knowledge of retail management policies and practices d. (Structured) Tell me about something you got done at ___ that someone else in your role probably wouldn’t have. i. Ability to think develop original solutions within prescribed parameters e.

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