Tanglewood Case 1

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Strategic Staffing Decisions Staffing Levels • Acquire or Develop Talent-The staffing strategy for new Tanglewood employees will be to acquire talent from outside sources. Tanglewood should develop their employees that have shown leadership and decision making qualities for upper management first before looking to acquire outside talent. • Hire Yourself or Outside Source-Tanglewood should continue to hire employees itself. Tanglewood has a staffing services director, an Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator and 3 managers. They are responsible for the employee retention, recruiting, and selection. Centralization will also serve to create staffing operations efficiencies. • External or Internal Hiring- Tanglewood should concentrate on internal hiring to create a stable committed workforce. This will allow the seasoned and experienced employees to move up into management positions. The external hiring will be necessary when new employees are hired. • Core or Flexible Workforce- All Tanglewood employees are a member of the core work force whether they are part time or full time employees. A core workforce is viewed as essential for Tanglewood’s organizational values and culture to be developed and maintained. The core employees are central to the core goods and services delivered by the organization. • Hire or Retrain- Data regarding Tanglewood’s recruiting, interviewing testing, selecting employees, and employee turnover are sent from each individual store to the corporate headquarters. The data is collected and statistically analyzed at headquarters. Then, based on the analyses specific recommendations are provided to the stores about the hiring and retention. • National or Global-Tanglewood may need to discuss outsourcing some of its business processes nationally. • Attract or Relocate- Tanglewood can induce a sufficient number of
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