Tablet vs Textbooks

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Tablet vs Textbooks Argumentative essay Replacing textbooks with tablets has many pros and cons. I personally think that the advantages are way much stronger than the disadvantages. Tablets are a better choice for education instead of textbooks because of many things like tablets offering many tools that make learning faster and interactive. Replacing textbooks with tablets would be beneficial for students. Kids will be better prepared for the future if they learn technology skills early in life. Students using tablets instead of textbooks would not only be to learn faster and easier, it would be to prepare for a better life. The top paying jobs in the US are technologically demanding, and work in "computer and information systems" is predictable to grow, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mastering technological skills will be necessary later in life. If schools started using tablets instead of textbook it would safe them lots of money spend in textbooks. E-books in tablets cost 50-60% less, this would save schools up to $1,000 per student and year. Purchasing a tablet is becoming less expensive. It is predicted that the cost of a tablet in 2015 will be of $263. With time tablets will become more necessary and affordable. So replacing textbooks with tablets would be a really good investment. In long terms carrying the amount of text books that students need to carry can be consequence of serious back injuries. Students are supposed to carry less than 15% of their body weight, and carrying all of their textbooks exceed that percentage. Carrying textbooks have caused back injuries to more than 13,700 kids. This can be easily avoided with tablets, since those eliminate the need of physical school materials. Tablets can carry as much textbooks you want without exceeding the recommended weight to carry in a backpack. In conclusion, I think
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