Symbolic (Formal mathematical) Logic

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Symbolic (Formal mathematical) Logic Mathematics is seen everywhere in the world and in our cultures. Mathematics simplifies logic and logic is common sense. We use mathematics in everyday life to determine if things are true or false. You can take those statements and combined them with logical connectives to get a new statement. This is often used when people are talking to each other or trying to solve a problem in general. It is hard or sometimes impossible to determine if a statement is true or false, so that’s why we use mathematics and formal logic. A good example of that are the statements about George and him going to the beach when it is sunny. All theorems have an “If…Then” in them. If you have a statement that is true, the next statement should be true too. But if the “If” part is true, the conclusion might not always be true. You can see this in everyday life when you are talking to people or trying to make an observation about something, you have to use formal logic. Mathematics is a language that we use in everyday life and mathematics is where formal logic is derived from. This is why formal logic has rules and mathematics helps to push them further and makes them more complex and tries to connect them together so we are able to understand. The truth tables help us solve other problems in a mathematical way. Since there is only true or false and no in between answers, formal logic helps decide if the compound statement is true or false with the help of words like “not, and, or”. For example, “We will hire you if you are over eighteen years old AND graduated from high school.” We all need some sort of logic to get by in life. There are constant issues and statements that have to be solved in our life time, which mathematics will come into play. Logic has rules just like a grammar book, where it analysis the language and then eliminates the
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