Swot Analysis

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IKEA SWOT analysis | Strengths | Weaknesses | 1. Customer knowledge 2. Constantly using innovations to drive costs down 3. Supply chain integration 4. Brand reputation and market presence 5. Diversified product portfolio | 1. Negative publicity 2. Decreasing quality 3. Standard products | Opportunities | Threats | 1. Further expansion into developing economies 2. Growing online sales 3. Expansion to growing grocery market | 1. Intensifying competition 2. Growth of average consumer income | 1. Customer knowledge. One of the key competitive advantages IKEA has is its extensive knowledge about the customers. The company understands the purchasing factors that influence customers to buy and implements the best practices to induce that decision. IKEA offers low prices and a huge range of products. Designers constantly introduce new design products that look stylish in the eyes of customers. All the products are designed so it would be easy to transport and assemble. Moreover, the company offers the widest product range and positive shopping experience. All of these factors are aligned with what customers want and need and which results in higher sales. Without such extensive customer knowledge and best practices to benefit from that knowledge, IKEA would be unable to outcompete its current competitors. 2. Constantly using innovations to drive costs down. Low prices are the cornerstone of IKEA business idea and the the company always try to do things as efficient and cost-effective as possible. To drive costs down all the time, the company must find new and innovative ways to do that and to incorporate them in its businesses model. The business’ innovations include new materials that contribute more to sustainable environment and are less costly or using newest ways of packaging, handling and transporting materials. 3.

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