Swimming as a Healthy Mass Sport

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The earliest physical evidence of swimming relates to prehistoric drawings from the Stone Age at "the cave of swimmers" near Wadi Sura in the south western part of Egypt around seven thousand years ago. Swimming has been a common and regular world sport for ages. Swimming improves you Cardio-Vascular system and health, tones your muscles and improves your heart and blood flow. It helps with weight-loss as well as maintaining your flexibility and strength. When swimming, the water provides resistance that makes your muscles work harder, making your arms and legs stronger, and strengthening your core muscles. Swimming gives you breath control. There are several types of swimming sports: diving, water-ballet, water-ball, acrobatic jumping…etc. all of these sports help you. These sports all have their own special techniques, Diving requires you to hold your breath for some time, and this helps with the breath control. There is the Breast-stroke which helps with the breath control and muscles. There is the front crawl which helps with the muscles, breathing, and the flexibility of your legs and arms. There is the Butterfly stoke which helps with muscles, breathing and flexibility. Then, there is the back-stroke, also helps with muscles, and flexibility. When doing the back stroke you lay on your back, and laying on your helps you breathe well. The history of swimming can be described like this: In 2500 BC, Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics (small drawings) showing swimming, about Two thousand years after that it is said that the Egyptians and Romans dived off cliffs as fun. In 36 BC, the Japanese Emperor Suigiu tried to get people swimming and in 78 AD - Romans made swimming an event for men to meet at in
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