Sweet Spot a Easy Self Descriptive Essay About Your Favorite Place

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“My Sweet Spot” By Joseph Rogers If you walked in with your eyes closed you wouldn’t be missing too much. Now if you were to take a big whiff of the air there would be an immediate smell mixture of food and bleach. Walking through the house was nothing special to anyone, but to me it was like being able to step into a whole new world. Every room had a symbolic meaning to me, and being able to feel the clean surface of the door everyday was a whole different experience. There was always something going on in the house but never too much so the noise was a jumble of sounds. My grandmother lived in that house the majority of her life so a big part of the house was her. She wasn’t the nicest person in the world, but she really did care for my sister and I. My dad grew up in that house and proceeded to live there while raising us. My grandmother passed away when I was 8 years old and the only home I had ever known at that point in my life was that one. I was not ready emotionally to leave that place, but there was so much more opportunity for me moving to my cousin’s. In Hope, Arkansas is where almost half of my life is invested, but if the time wasn’t used positively then it was time wasted. I think my childhood growing up in Hope was good. If I had the choices to keep it how is or go back and change it I think I would keep it the same way. There is nothing better than looking back on old memories and enjoying them. In a small town in southwestern Arkansas is a house I like to call my sweet

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