Sweet Pepper Essay

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SWEET PEPPER 1. Climate: Sweet Pepper is a warm and dry season crop. It germinates best at the temperature range from 20 to 30 and grows best around 25. Average daily temperatures of 20 to 25 are good for setting fruits. The fruits of sweet pepper are subjected to sunscald in high temperature and strong sunshine. Hot weather affects fruit settings. 2. Soil: Sweet Pepper do best when grown on deep loam soil with good fertility, easy irrigation, adequate drainage and plenty of sunshine. The best soil for pepper is around pH is 6.5. Sweet pepper should not be grown on the same soil year after year because of disease problems. It is best to rotate with rice, Legume, Sugarcane and corn. 3. Seedling Care: PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Sweet pepper can be direct seeded by broadcast or plant in row seedbeds. Usually 180 to 200 Gms of seed will produce enough good plants for planting one acre of field. Thinning the seedlings to proper space must be done within 2-3 days after first true leaf appears. 4. Transplanting and Spacing: Transplant the seedlings at 5-6 true leaves stage. Space them 45cm apart in double rows of 60 cm apart on each bed of 90 cm wide. The seedlings must be sufficiently watered several hours before transplanting to make it easier to remove the plant from the pot or seedling bed. Thus the roots of seedlings may hold as much soil as possible, so as to prevent wilting during transplanting. Irrigation must be started immediately after the transplanting. 5. Manures and Fertilizers: The fertilizer of sweet pepper is variable. Any fertilizer recommendation should be based on local experience. The table below shows one example of fertilizer application :( Kg/ha) Total BasalTop Dressing Kg/ha fertilizer Manure 25000 25000 -Ammonium sulphate 750 375 375 Single Super 468 468 ---Phosphate Muriate of Potash 83 83 ---Further
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