Short Essay About Personality

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SWEET Chocolates, ice-creams, candies, soft drinks, honey and many more yummy delicacies around the world can really make us drool. Most of us love to indulge in food that is sweet in taste. In fact even seeing or hearing the word “SWEET” can trigger our taste buds causing us to salivate now. Nothing can be as awesome as having a sweet treat to celebrate any event that involves happiness. Although sweetness is necessary in our lives but, it must be in moderation. When we eat food high in sugar content it causes us to be at high risk of getting diabetes mellitus, but at the same time it is difficult for us to totally avoid sweet food especially when we are gifted to taste the different flavours of food. The taste of sugar is a highly desired taste…show more content…
Being sweet in character also attracts the opposite gender and that is when the interest between two people develops usually into love. Looking sweet externally yet having an unpleasant character, sets a limitation to our social skills. On the other hand, regardless of appearance as long as we put on a sweet smile with sincerity, not only will it widen our social network and skill, it also creates a contagious effect of spreading joy and warmth to people around us. We have to be sweet holistically. Being sweet includes being understanding, gracious, nice, polite, honest, helpful and everything that adds pleasure to people around us. It also helps us to boost our confidence when we hear people passing pleasant comments about ourselves, like “he is really a sweet guy”, we will surely feel great. Even when someone is sad; hurt or in pain, sweet words can really have a magical effect on them to make them feel better, just like the saying “pleasant words are a honey comb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.” (New international version
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