For Urban Outfitters, a trendy counterculture image for the most part, attracts a younger generation. It would not be profitable for these big retailers if they create and sell trendy items because they would have to spend more on advertising to those select groups. That is why these retailers buy merchandise in big bulks at a lower price to offer a low price to their customers. Trendy items tend to be limited and not bought in bulk; hence they attract a higher retail price. QUESTION 2 Could the big box stores sell merchandise identical to
The housing of all departments in one location offers both an advantage and disadvantage, but I would have to say that the disadvantage outweighs the advantage. The housing of all departments in one location brings down the profit margin and causes them to see a lesser profit. Since the competitors aren’t housing all departments in the same location they will see a larger profit. This also means that Albatross Anchor is unable to reduce their costs. An economy of scale is the reduction in long-run average and marginal costs arising from an increase in size of an operating unit.
This new source of lumber is cheaper to harvest due to the massive quantities that allow the second manufacturer to stop buying the limited amount of lumber within its domestic market. Without having to worry about the high price and limited supply of lumber anymore, the second manufacturer can focus on what it does best, producing treated lumber. With more treated lumber in the domestic market, housing prices would start dropping as the price of treated
Raw materials do not make as much money as manufactured products on the world market, as a result industrialized countries made more money. This ability to manufacture products would give a country control over supply and demand of them and cover the cost of materials and labour used in their making. For example, Britain exploited
Many shoppers spend their free-time going to their local malls and shopping for new clothes, but do they ever take the time to wonder where the clothing comes from? Shoppers would most likely be astonished to find out that most of the clothes they buy at stores like the Gap and Wal-Mart are made overseas in Third World countries. These places are called sweatshops. At sweatshops, workers are exploited because they are treated poorly and work in very unsanitary conditions. They are paid very low wages, sometimes as little as three cents an hour, and children as young as four and five years old are forced to work (Guarini 1).
Attempts to control the flow of migrants by building maquiladora Many factories are built just inside Mexico, by American firms. These are maquiladora developments. The Mexican workers accept much lower pay and longer hours than American workers would, The production costs are lower because Mexico has much laxer environmental controls than the USA, so dumping waste is much cheaper. The factories are located very close to the American border, so transporting goods into America is very easy. These developments, however, have encouraged many Mexicans to leave the countryside to work in industry.
It is mainly personal preference. I think this because it is highly likely that the products are made in the same factory so the idea that one store sells products of better quality than another store seems psychological. Tesco doesn’t compete for price. Their products tend to be much more costly than Asda’s, for instance, they sell KP Hula Hoops- Original (7x25g) for £1.00, whereas Tesco sell exactly the same product for £1.67, currently on offer 3 for 33.50, which still cots more than Asda. This saving of 67 pence may not seem like much but the total sum of the price difference is very large, also when customers do their shopping, these small savings are very effective and save them quite a lot of money.
One of the key advantages of the garment industry is its cheap labor force, which provides a competitive edge over its competitors. Consumers, retailers, and manufactures benefit from this advantage of cheap labor but not the labors. According to the article the economics of a $6.75 shirt, the pay for a month’s work is $70 to $80 only. This is not even enough for everyday necessities (food, rent, etc. ).
The shops selling the ‘high order goods’ could afford a more expensive rent for property in the CBD, making it accessible for people living in the surrounding area. This trend still exists, however it is in decline as new retailing patterns have emerged. The nature of shopping has changed; the ‘everyday goods’ are purchased less frequently in supermarkets because of the introduction of freezers. Whereas shopping for ‘high order goods’ has become a leisure activity involving a drive to an out of town shopping centre or retail park. Due to the suburbanisation and counter-urbanisation, it has decreased the population within city centres and certainly increased the
Their low wages increase employers’ profits and lower consumers’ costs.” (St. John). Illegal immigrants do work a lot of the jobs the rest of this country does not care to do, and in that way yes it is beneficial. But those jobs only call for so many people, what is to be done with all the rest that come here? This is where the eliminating caps per-country for green cards could really come in