Sustainability of London Olympics

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NAME: EGBENEYE AKINYEMI MODULE: STUDY SKILLS STUDENT ID: 25468 TOPIC: SUSTAINABILITY OF LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS. INTRODUCTION The essence of this report is to analyse the importance of sustainability in modern Olympic Games. In frame of this, the focus is on the 2012 London Olympics and the environment. Also, I will shed light on the summary of plans set out by the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) to make sure they achieve successful hosting of the event with significant strategies adopted, to make sure that the venue and its environment is well protected. There were five factors identified by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in its proposal to anchor the London 2012 Olympic Games. This report features all five areas of sustainability plans, but one of the aspects is analysed in details (WASTE). Furthermore, this report tailored analysis on how new generation will be inspired to embrace sustainable and achievable waste management strategies projects. The report will layout the significance of sustainability and acting in accordance with the impact of waste management on the event venues and spectators; why responsible behaviourism is more pressing than ever among sport spectators. Moreover how sustainability and the Olympics can be incorporated into long term plans for sustainable living, and London Olympics is leading the flagship for being the first to set a very high standard of sustainability. LONDON 2012 ORGANISERS London Organising Committee of Olympic and Paralympic Games, is an organising committee bonded for planning and anchoring the London 2012 Olympic Games. It is means of funding is based mainly by the private sector, sponsorship, contracts from Media organisation and the sale of the events tickets. The organising committee was set up to oversee the event in accordance with the Contract between

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