In most women inner beauty lays growing tumors and unknown breast cancer. A simple mammogram cant always catch the first signs of breast cancer or of a growing tumor. A brand new research the first 3-d ultrasound for breast cancer and tumor treatment. You should be interested in this research because for 48 years of a healthy body sometimes lies a tumor or cancer inside. I’m very interested in this research because a 3-d ultrasound that can define your cause of pain can be resolved by one simple 3-d image.
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women. This type of cancer is ranked the second cause of death in woman. The best way to detect cancer of the breast is a mammogram. A Mammogram is an x-ray imagine used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms play a very important role in breast cancer detection and helps decrease breast caner deaths .
Ethical Health Care Issues Ciera Butts HCS/545 November 18, 2013 Michael Taylor Ethical Health Care Issues According to Women’s Health Resource (2011) “breast cancer is a serious issue that will affect almost every women worldwide, either directly as someone diagnosed with cancer, or indirectly through the illness of a loved one”(Home, para. 1). Breast Cancer is found in women in their early twenties and thirties, in the United States. These individuals are more prone to breast cancer because she has a family history of breast cancer. In 2006, approximately 212, 920 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States (Women’s Health Resource, 2011).
There are two vaccines (Gardisil and Cervaix) that are given to year 8 girls to prevent HPV. “This vaccine is said to save an estimate of 400 women each year [1].” A pathogen is a biological agent that causes diseases or illness to its host A cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph system. Cancer is a problem to body because it can spread and then takes over parts of the body that carries out essential functions A vaccine protects your body from specific diseases that make you become very ill, disabled or even kill you. The way the HPV vaccine works is by using an inactive form of the virus.
As well, there is strong evidence that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Women that abort increase their chances of getting breast cancer by 50%, and teenagers with no previous pregnancies that abort after the 8th week increase their probability by 800%. UNICEF states that 2500,000 women die every year because of legal and illegal abortions 75,000 of them die of self-inflicted abortions; 75,000 die of convulsions; and the other 100,000 die of blood poisoning caused by an infection of the uterus. Therefore, if abortion is legalized there will be not only more fetal murders but also more mothers will die. None of the methods doctors use for abortions is safe.
About 11,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer and 3600 will die. (Atkinson) Cervical Cancer is cancer of the cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus. The uterus is hollow, pear-shaped organ where a baby grows during a women’s pregnancy. (Facts) Morton 2 Merck began marketing Gardasil in 2006 after the Food and Drug Administration approved it for females ages 9 to 26. The vaccine is the first of its kind to build immunity against two strains of HPV, which lead to 70% of cervical cancer cases in the United States.
Fisher drew her audience’s attention by pointing out herself as a living sample of HIV positive. Like a lot of the audience in that room, she came from a wealthy family, and she was mother of two children. Fisher used rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos in the speech to persuade her audience in the situation. Even before Fisher spoke, just who she was brought her a huge amount of credibility. The Republican Party brought her up on the stage on purpose, because Mary Fisher was a perfect example of a “safe” person to speak about AIDS.
However, more women than ever before are surviving breast cancer, nine out of ten women diagnosed at stage one survive beyond five years. The survival rates decrease with the stage of diagnosis. Breast cancer is a disease caused by unrestrained growth of abnormal cells causing a
Erin Miller Discussing the Pros & Cons of the Article: The Ideal and the Real of Breast-Feeding Like the over all general consensus of the writer of this I article, I too agree that the “breast is best” argument is not as dire as some health officials are stating. The idea that not breast feeding is along the same lines as smoking during pregnancy seems ridiculous to me. I'm sure that we all know many people who were not solely breast-fed or not breast-fed at all that have grown up healthy. While there is some merit to the benefits of breast-feeding such as mother-child bonding, antibodies that may prevent gastrointestinal infections like vomiting and diarrhea, and breast milk being a whole lot cheaper than formula, that does not mean that any other option is not beneficial. Particularly in our society where a large majority of new mothers can't afford the time to solely breast-feed.
Natalie Perez ITT Technical Institute GS1145 Ms. Faremouth April 4, 2014 Despite the availability of screening tests and early treatment, which have cut the death rates from cervical cancer in half since the early 1970s, cervical cancer remains the third most common gynecologic cancer in the United States. Worldwide, it’s the most common cause of death from a gynecologic cancer. Nearly half of all women diagnosed with cervical cancer are diagnosed at a late stage, with either locally or regionally advanced disease that’s harder to treat. (Shinn, 2004, p. 36) There are two types of cervical cancer. The first is squamous cell, which accounts for an outstanding 80-90% of all cervical cancer cases.