Susan G Komman For The Cure Essay

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Jamie Robinson Ms. G Pink is the New Black Can - cer (n): the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells (malignant cells) in the body. The second most common type of cancer is breast cancer, which is when malignant cells grow in the breast. A scary fact about breast cancer is the tumors that may grow in the breast usually tend to grow slowly; by the time you actually feel a lump is large, the tumor may have been growing for as long as ten years. Nancy G. Brinker, founder of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, is very familiar with this fact because it her sister, Susan G. Komen died from breast cancer. After Susan’s death, Nancy has put all of her focus into her foundation; fighting in honor of her sister’s dying wish, with the hope that when awareness is…show more content…
Brinker is a national treasure for her creation of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® foundation; because since it’s conception in 1982, Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has raised awareness in the medical, and political field saving the lives of 23% more breast cancer patients than the original 75%. Over the years, the foundation has slowly, but strongly, effected: the way doctors treat breast cancer, created awareness rising events, such as the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure®, and also given women the opportunity to connect with other breast cancer patients through many different ways. What has made Nancy G. Brinker’s such a powerful, and influential woman in the modern world, is through her compelling story and strong will to succeed. One method she has used to spread B.C awareness is by portraying the pink ribbon symbolizing breast cancer research, into all the well known name brands such as: Nike, H&M, Victoria Secrets, etc. Ultimately, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® foundation couldn’t have made any of this possible without everyone’s donations and dedication to end Breast Cancer. So make sure you wear some form of the pink ribbon symbol because, like they say in fashion: Pink, is the new

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