Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety

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Unit CYP3.4 Support children and young people’s health and safety Assessment Criteria 1: Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. A young person’s learning environment is many things: It's a safe place where children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised. It is where the important activities take place, such as education, playing, eating, washing hands, and going to the bathroom. Beyond the basics, however, an environment for young children implements and supports a schools ethos and curriculum. When setting up an effective preschool classroom, a variety of factors must be carefully considered: Light & Noise: Lighting should be designed for the tasks that individuals are carrying out within that environment. Noise might interfere with communications and cause stress if experienced over long periods. Vibration (can contribute to lower back pain and fatigue. Some frequencies of vibration can have a negative effect on visual performance. Equipment: Furniture and equipment should be age and ability appropriate. Specific needs of the pupils should be taken into account especially any pupils with special educational needs. Working Space: People need adequate working space to carry out the tasks. This means they need sufficient space to move about the work area and to access their work station(s) safely. They also need sufficient space to store work equipment including files and documents that they need to use for their work. Risk Assessment: Assess the impact of the environment on any specific individuals which may include, pregnancy, visual and mobile impairments. The layout follows the six functions within the classroom environment suggested by Fred Steele (1) security and shelter; (2) social contact; (3) symbolic identification; (4) pleasure;

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