Summer's Coming By Bub Bridger

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Summer’s Coming In the poem “Summer’s Coming”, the poet Bub Bridger creates a feeling of excitement of summer in the poem. She did this by using a range of language techniques such as, contrast, imagery, personification and alliteration. Bub Bridger uses contrast to show the excitement that summer brings to the gloominess of winter. She uses structure to show the contrast between attitudes in summer and winter. In stanza one, lines one to six creates a gloomy image of winter, “Hibernating’ has negative connotations and shows that the persona does not like winter> She was “Wrapped round like a blanket.” The simile is effective on that she does not want to go out and she was “hibernating”. The words “sluggish” and “cold” also shows that she is not enjoying winter and she felt “stiff in all her bones.” creating an image of being inactive. The images created in in the first six lines were negative images of winter. In contrast, when summer comes and the persona’s whole attitude changes to becoming positive and the mood change to a really happy mood. “The sun licks the land warm again.” This personification creates a lovely image of the son touching the land warm again and comforting the land and the word ‘licks’ suggest that. Summer brings a change to the girl, as she becomes enthusiastic and joyful. She gets her “hair cut” and puts on her “red dress”. She cuts her hair so she shows pride in her appearance and red shows passion and she has a passion for summer. She now wants to come out, get outdoors and enjoy the warmth of summer and come out of her hibernating. By comparing the images of winter and summer, summer is full of excitement while winter seems boring, cold and depressing. Bridger also used imagery to show the change of movements in winter and summer. Stanza three, the personification creates a peaceful image of her on her “bike” and going “all

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