Summer Day Essay

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Summer! Summer! Summer! How nice does it feel sitting on the beach as the wind hits you across your face? I recall a time this summer when I went to spend a day at the Seven President Beach in Longbranch, New Jersey. This day was a really special day to me. It was a really special day to me because I was able to spend time with my family. The day started off with nice and beautiful weather. Unexpectedly, when we first arrived there, the weather began to change into foggy and rainy weather. My family and I went from an excited and happy mood to a miserable mood. We went to a store there to buy food, and decided to stay there waiting for the rain to stop. I felt so depressed watching the rain pour. I kept trying to make myself busy waiting for the rain to stop. It was so hard to keep myself busy. I thought I should go in stores and look at items there to waste time. That couldn’t help it. I was running so low on patience. I went to a point where I couldn’t handle it and was about to storm out of the store that I was in, to the car. Something amazing just happened. Coincidentally, the rain had finally stopped. We were all full of excitement when we had seen this amazing news. My family and I rushed back into the beach as fast as we were able to. We were able to have fun and complete the rest of the day at the beach. In conclusion, we ended up enjoying our day at the beach. Even though a problem stood in our way, we were still able to enjoy our day. I also learned a lesson that day which was to be patient. Patience is needed throughout our

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