Summary of Impact of the War in the British Society

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A Summary of the impact(s) of the war on the British Society Soon after the World War two had ended, the British Society had changed quite fast. Such as the British country had been bankrupted. Most important of all the arrival of various immigrant groups to Great Britain. Secondly the growth and freedom of feminism; lastly new laws and acts were introduced. Before the Second World War the majority of women were kept as household thus had to take care of the children whilst men were breadwinners (wage earners). Most men worked in the Military Force to protect their country and citizens. However when the Second World War had started it altered rapidly. For instance, in 1939-1945 the women made an enormous contribution to the world war. Approximately 350,000 women had worked in civil defence: fire fighting, munitions factories, nursing and many more. Numerous of women were secret agents in France. In this case the women gained a lot of self-confidence so when men came back from war they were able to count on their wife much more. Due to the war many women’s husband died therefore became widows and as there was a lack of men, finding a new husband was quite difficult. The Percentage of Immigration after the Second World War had inclined as compared to prior to the war. The reason behind this was that there may have been problems in their ‘own’ country therefore had come to Britain by 1945. However, it was by 1948 that the percentage of immigration started to rise. The causes of high immigration are: the British Nationality Act (1948) this means that limited number of countries will be allowed to come to Britain regardless of race, religion, and colour. For example, large groups of Ugandan immigrants moved to Britain eligible to get entitled. Another cause can be that there may be problems economically at their home country, as they were not wealthy countries.
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