Although the act was usually but not always the choice of the woman, abortion was illegal and to end pregnancy was considered to be murder. In the two decades before abortion was legal in America, it's been estimated that about one million women per year underwent illegal abortions. Because these illegal procedures were performed by the woman or someone else who was not medically trained to perform the procedure, women died. In my opinion trying to make abortion illegal is pointless because the women will resort to drastic measures and other means to end the unwanted birth. Here we are in this so-called world of freedom but when we exercise that freedom, we become ridiculed for making a choice.
12 Apr. 2012 Many people do not want to hear the word abortion, but when it comes to rape victims that get pregnant, it is often brought up. Even pro-life advocates agree that an innocent child shouldn’t perish for the sins of their father (1). Harvard students give their opinions and come to the conclusion that no rape victim shall be frowned upon when deciding to get an abortion. “Abortion is not some magical surgery which turns back time to make a woman ‘un-pregnant’ – or, for the matter, ‘un-raped’” (1).
Having an abortion is killing an innocent person for insignificant reasons. If other people get killed or put into jail for killing other people then why, shouldn’t women who choose to abort their pregnancies? It is the same thing. Whether or not the baby is wanted, all people who kill any human being in any way need to be punished. If the mother and or father wasn’t allowed or didn’t want a child in the first place then as a couple they should have decided to be abstinent until they were ready to take on the responsibilities of having and taking care of a
The bible does not say anything about abortion but has something that sounds like they are talking about abortion. Exodus reads “When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman's husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine”( Exodus, 21:22). I’m pretty sure that the bible says a lot more stuff that sounds like they are talking about abortion. When the quality of life is on the line, ending a painful life or ending what will be painfull in the future. They abortion should remain legal for everyone to have a chance to have a favorable
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (2012) HER Electronic Health Record, Retrieved on May 29, 2012, from Kingsbury, K. (2008). Medical Records Go Digital. Time Magazine. Retrieved May 29, 2012, from
National Women's Health Report, 28(3), 1-5. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 1189783761). Lupus Foundation of America. (2012).
Throught time women have never had the full right to do as they please. Pro-Choice is a movement that gives a woman control of her own body. Many women have serious or life-threatening medical issues in pregnancy. There can also be many personal reasons women choose to have an abortion. Women should always have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies.
Abortion Abortion is one of the biggest controversial issues in the U.S. ever since the roe vs. wade decision in 1973. This legalized that a woman could chose to abort her baby in the earlier months of pregnancy without restriction until the baby had reached a certain stage of growth. It passed because mothers were experiencing painful side effects or having bad health from being pregnant. Women were having abortions at first because they thought abortion was the only way out. Those women who are considering abortion because of personal issues should choose adoption instead.
Abortion Killing an unborn child is a very unnecessary decision; under certain circumstances it is allowed. The unborn child did not ask to be here just for you to not give the unborn child a chance. If you were raped then abortion should be an option. For example, say you are 16 and you have an 18 year old boyfriend and you end up pregnant. You did that to yourself, you deserve that.
This is a strong point that causes much debate, but one concept that has to be taken into account here is viability. Viability is the ability for a fetus to live outside the mother’s womb. Studies have been done to show that there are no signs of viability in the first twenty-eight weeks of a pregnancy (Turpin). Can it really be considered murder if the child would not be able to live on their own as their own person? If anything, abortion should not be completely illegal but could only if performed after these first twenty-eight weeks of the pregnancy.