Summary Anna's Story Chapter 21-44

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Summary Ana's story chapter 21-44 Ana's father was ill and came back to his mother's house. He lived there because he couldn't take care of himself anymore. He became more ill and after a while he died. Ana felt really depressed because her father died. She went for a walk with her aunt and she told het that her father died of aids and that he got it from her mom. She also told that her mom got it because she was raped by het stephdad. One night Ana accidentaly dropped her glass and when her abuela asked her to clean it she disagreed. Her abuela hit her with a rod. Ana went to the church and told everything that happened in the confessional. A few days later, a police officer came to ana's house and took her because her abuela abused her. She had to live at her aunt's (Sonia) house. A few weeks later she graduated from the sixth grade and went to secondary school. She met Yolanda and they became friends. Everyday after school, she went to Yolanda's house to play there and she often stayed for dinner or slept with Yolanda. She didn't like it at Sonia's house because Sonia also hit her and embarrassed her in front of the whole family. She asked Yolanda's mom if she could live with them for a while, and Yolanda's mom agreed. At school a teacher asked Ana if everything was okay with her, and Ana told him everything that happened and that Ana wanted to live at Yolanda's house. He wanted to help Ana with the adoption papers so Ana could legally live at Yolanda's house. When Ana came to the judge, he told her she couldn't live at Yolanda's house because Yolanda and her mom are no family members of

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