In order to be successful one needs to have a great motivator. It takes a lot of determination, and patients in order to reach and surpass set goals. For me my motivator is success. I not only want to be successful but I feel the need to be successful in today’s day and age. From my experiences as a student I have come to the realization that education is a very powerful, enriched, and very promising tool to have.
I sometimes distance from or reject future goals so that I can reduce present tension and look for more immediate and pleasurable rewards than longer arranges or future objectives. In order to become successful in the future, I need to plan ahead of time and be more cautious of my
They should be a support system and be there for you as much as you would be there for them and it’s always nice to have good influences as you grow into adulthood. And finding a friend that will be there to help me on my high school journey is exactly what I would like to find. Conclusively, my high school goals might not be easy but I am willing to take the challenge. I wish to accomplish nothing more than being happy with the paths and achievements I face in high school and in life as well. My standards might be a bit high but as Jimmy Dean once said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” And I am proud to say I am not scared of failing because life is filled with obstacles and obstacles are just frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your
This allows me to focus more on the issue at hand and worry less about people’s opinions. The downside to this would obviously be that I’m close minded generally. The dreaded “my road or the highway” mentality could play against me. Not to be discouraged over my faults I looked into the next test to see what motivates me and where I could inspire others. The growth aspect of the motivation test was the largest contributing factor.
Question 5 Is it better to learn through success or through failure? Which way do you learn the most? Is losing important or useful? I think that it is better to learn through failure. I will never know I will fail or not before I do something according to my ideas, so it is important for me to try.
Continuing Academic Success Abstract Continuing academic success is very important in today’s society. The majority of the jobs in today’s society require you to have a formidable educational background to be considered for employment. The ability to continue and grow in academic achievement is important toward the efforts of furthering a career, gaining work experience, and future successes as a professional. Continuing Academic Success Even though in today’s society, personal connections mean more than academic knowledge, continuing academic success plays a major role in your future as well. Being able to continue and grow in academic success helps the student further his or her career and gain more experience in his or her career field, as well as promote his or her future successes as a professional.
If you want to be successful in life, your career or in college, you need to build on skills, competencies, and habits of mind. Habits of mind that will pave the road to success are as simple as being persistent, listening and understanding, applying knowledge to situations, and being able to think and communicate clearly. Every person must be able to be punctual, hardworking and committed when it comes to any everyday routine. I believe my strongest skills and habits of mind are being persistent, being punctual, being committed, being hardworking and finding humor. The habits that need to be worked on are interpersonal and being open to change.
Having this belief during this point of the game really helps out a lot. Having this core belief helps a ton in future life. For example, it helps you get good grades so that you can get into a good college. As you go through school it just gets harder and harder and sometimes you just aren't smart enough to keep getting good grades but you can always try your hardest no matter what. Nobody can take away your level of effort.
The courses required for CIS are challenging but at the same time it grasp your attention. The courses required gets you ready for the real world and pulls your interest to the main focus which means becoming successful. You must satisfy the specific CIS major requirements that are in affect at the time you are admitted to that program. Also, work with an Academic Advising to make sure that you are on the right track of meeting all requirements. The requiring GPA for this specific major for Computer Information System is to have 3.5 and above the reason why the GPA is so high is because they want the best of the best.
Also, when it comes to courage I will take what I have learned and try to apply it to my everyday life. I will try to go out of my way to be courageous and do things I would not normally do. With using these they could help me later in life especially if I used courage to go after an internship or volunteering opportunity that would look good for what I want to