Phil Knight By: Matthew Mata Career Prep- 1st period January 9, 2013 The Entrepreneur I picked to do my “Famous Entrepreneur Project” over is a man named Phil Knight. The reason I picked Phil Knight is because he created my favorite company that makes athletic attire such as shirts, jackets, shorts, socks, underwear, hats, gloves, watches, glasses, wallets, goggles, sweat pants, and my favorite shoes. I’m sure there are a lot of other things they make but those are just the ones that I buy from them. Phil Knight started when he was around twenty six years old. He was going to school for his MBA at Stanford in the early '60s, Knight took a class with Frank Shallenberger.
I will also illustrate my educational experience in the United States, and the impact this system had on me recently. As a student with a full European educational background, discovering the American educational system appears like a challenge. Though my first university year in the United States still lies ahead, I already started exploring a new universe that is completely foreign to me. At the very beginning I felt lost, confused, and even slightly disappointed of what a class or homework meant in America. However, after submitting my first paper, I understood to learn and appreciate the differences of structures.
An Open Letter to Ninth Graders Patrick Sullivan is a professor at Manchester Community College in Connecticut. He provides high school students this letter named “An Open Letter to Ninth Graders” and he’s a co-editor of What is “College-Level” Writing? Which is a record of the differences between high school writing and college-level writing that he uses for this letter to contribute with tips for high schoolers in order to be more suitable for their change to a higher scholar lever. This is a useful document because it focuses on the skills that students need to be successful in a higher scholar level and that the differences of academic expectations vary. As I’m from Mexico I did my high school in Monterrey and they don’t give the importance to this aspects for college and for some international people like me is tough and the evidence is that this is my second time taking this course because they didn’t teach me how to become a better writer or reader and this paper is really helpful for me because not all students are prepared equally so for this semester I’ll read important and high cognitive books to progress on my English, not only talking or expressing but writing as well.
OCR Nationals – Unit 1 – Skills for Business AO4 – Design and create business documents using word processing or DTP software EVIDENCE REPORT FRAME Name: Johnny Humes Class: 9y1 Teacher: Ms Wardman Date: 14th January 2011 Target grade: ? There are page breaks on this document to keep items on separate pages Task 4a: Your logo – Place a copy of your logo here & explain why you designed it the way that you have I made this logo when I was doing the AO3 work on the Longridge Music Festival. I made it like this because of the subject I was creating it for. It was a music festival so I put a microphone on. Task 4b: Document names – you need to know the 9 different types and what they do – give a brief description [use word or publisher or Google to find out] Term
This is a strong proposal and could be a good recommendation for the education system; high schools should have their students graduate at sixteen opposed to eighteen. This could be accomplished by starting the so-called high school in seventh grade and not ninth grade. This transformation would allow the 16-year-old to venture off and encounter the real world, through an internship or apprenticeship. Students would need to become responsible and more mature as they would be alongside an adult in a professional setting. Our American education system is only postponing these students from entering the real world.
I have not gone back to work since then, but found an opportunity to go back to school and pursue what I had been wanting years ago, to go to a graduate school. The modern technology has many things to offer at the comfort of your home. Having said that, being a mom taking care of children, and living in an area over a hundred miles away from the University Campus, I find the distance learning a great opportunity to expand my education. Currently, I am volunteering at the National Park Service and also trying to gain employment with them as a Budget Analyst. In my prior position, I worked for the Department of Defense as a Budget Analyst in South Korea.
My learning style has a big impact on my degree choice for the future. The two learning style inventory site's both say I am a visual learner. As a visual learner my strengths would be "remember what they see, enjoy visual projects and presentations, and can remember diagrams, charts, and maps". (White, J. (2009).).
Nowadays, I’m study first year at the Economic and Finance Institute. I choose to study accounting at that institute and I also want to become an outstanding student at there. The main reasons that make me want to study that subject, is to work at some of the international bank or a high standard department. Creating a plan is much like following a map. My ultimate goal at the end of the plan is my destination.
Because I did not have enough money to pay the tuition, I had to get a job in a call center after school. Working while studying was an additional challenge but it helped to teach me time management and it offered me an even stronger appreciation once I received my degree. Then, I had to have an advance English level so I could graduate. After long consideration I decided to come to USA in an internship program as an Au-pair. This gave me the opportunity to learn the language and get my diploma, but I was away from my country, my family and friends.
Nowadays I really don’t mind going to school, but I really hated it before. This year of school isn’t all that important to my career, it’s more the foundation of my education. Throughout this year I’ll be learning all the basics of working with automations, which is going to be necessary no matter what I decide to do once the semester is over. Once I finish this year of school, I can choose two ways to reach my goal of becoming an automatics engineer. I can either continue the automatics education I’m taking right now, or I could start taking Intermediate general education classes.