Students Fail Tests Due to Poor Study Habits

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Failure: Why Students Fail Tests Due To the Incorrect/Lack of Study Methods Teachers Are Giving Students Does a student who puts in the time, effort, and hard work into studying deserve to fail? There have been many instances of where a student goes through hours of studying for a test and just ends up coming back with a letter grade of a D or lower. Some point to the fact that students aren’t studying the right way, but in reality students are never really taught how to study. In most cases, teachers simply tell students to review the chapter, terms, etc. Teachers can tell their students to study, but if students aren’t taught efficient ways to take in the information, there is no way students are going to pass the test. Regardless if the student studies for a couple of minutes, hours, or even days the students still will not pass the test. Then there are the other students who can study for a short amount of time and still pass the test. Those students have certain ways of studying which allows them to take in the most important information needed to pass the test. Most teachers around the country excel at teaching a certain subject. They do everything possible so that the students in the class are able pass the class. Teachers go over chapters, lecture, give out worksheets, assign homework, and most importantly test a student’s knowledge by giving out tests. The one thing they don’t do is teach good ways to study and in return sometimes receive unacceptable tests grades. Donna St. George a Washington Post columnist reported earlier this that “Thousands of students in Montgomery County failed final exams in high school math courses last semester, according to data that raise questions about how well students have learned the material and whether there is a disconnect between the test and the course work.” This means that teachers can always give plenty of work

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