Students Are More Influenced by Their Teachers Than by Their Friends.

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For students, teachers and friends are two kinds of people who can have many influences on them. It seems like that teachers, who teach students knowledge and mark students’ homework, are people who influence students more than friends do. Yet in my opinion, students are more likely influenced by their friends. Firstly, students spend more time stay with their friends than the do with their teachers. Only class time is for teachers to be together with their students. However, students can stay with their friend at much time such as break time, lunch time and home time. Compared with teachers, friends have more time to get along with students and influence students more. In addition, as peers, friends have more topics to talk with students and have similar thoughts and ideas with students. They have same interests, same hobbies and same favorite pop stars. There is no doubt that student are able to communicate more with their students and prefer to accept their friends’ suggestions in comparison with teachers. Students have more similar opinions with their friends. Finally, friends can influence students in more sides than teachers. Teachers only affect students on their knowledge. However, friends can not only do the same thing as the teachers but also have more important effects on students. When students have problems on their study, their friends can help; when students meet some hard choices, their friends can give them advise; when students feel disappointed after failing in the test, their friends can comfort and courage them. No wonder students are influenced more by their friends than teachers. All in all, friends can affect students by staying together, talking favorite topics and more other sides. I believe that students are more influenced by their teachers than by their
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