Stress And Health

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Chapter 11 Summary: Stress & Health Health psychology is a new area of psychology concentrating on how physical activities, psychological traits, and social relationships influence overall health. Stress is the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are seen as threatening or challenging. When a person’s stress response is not intended or undesirable it is called distress. When it is a favorable amount that helps a person function it is called eustress. The events that cause stress are called stressors and can be either internal or external events. Stressors can include external experiences such as catastrophes, major life changes and hassles. A catastrophe is an unpredictable event that happens on a large scale such as a tornado or flood. Catastrophes are one cause of an anxiety disorder known as Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) in which an individual has recurring nightmares, sleep disturbances, and flashbacks of the event. When the symptoms of ASD last for more than one month, the disorder is then called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Internal occurrences such as pressure, uncontrollability, and frustration are also types of stressors. Researchers suggest that any major life change, such as moving, getting married, getting a new job, result in stress. Holmes and Rahe developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure the amount of change and therefore, stress in a person’s life. Researchers have also found a sufficient correlation between scores on the SRRS and physical health. Different forms of the SRRS have been designed for specific populations such as the college undergraduate stress scale (CUSS) for college students. A majority of the stressors that people have to deal with are daily frustrations, or hassles. Surveys that measure the number of hassles a person has to deal with are a better predictor of

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