Stress And Conflict Management

4547 Words19 Pages
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 WHAT IS STRESS 1. Four Approaches to Stress 2 1.1.1 The Homeostatic / Medical Approach 2 1.1.2 The Cognitive Appraisal Approach 3 1.1.3 The Person – Environment Fit Approach 3 1.1.4 The Psychoanalytical Approach 4 2.0 SOURCES OF WORK STRESS (WORK DEMAND) 2.1 Task Demands 4 2.2 Interpersonal Demands 5 3.0 THE CONSEQUENSCESS OF STRESS 3.1 Benefit of Eustress 6 3.2 Performance and Health Benefits 7 4.0 CONFLICT 8 4.1 Importance of Conflict Management Skills for The Manager 8 4.2 Functional Conflict 8 4.3 Dysfunctional Conflict 9 4.4 Inter organizational Conflict 10 4.5 Inter group Conflict 11 5.0 ARTICLE REVIEW 5.1 A Stress Management Course to Prevent Teacher’s Stress 12 5.2 Does Conflict = Stress? 15 6.0 Recommendations 17 7.0 Conclusion 19 8.0 References 21 1.0 What is stress? Stress is an important topic in organizational behavior, in part due to the increase in competitive pressures that take a toll on workers and managers alike. Poor leadership, work-family conflicts, and sexual harassment are among the leading causes of work stress. Stress carriers a negative connotation for some people, as though it were something to be avoided. This is unfortunate, because stress is a great asset in managing legitimate emergencies and achieving peak performance. Stress, or the stress response, is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand. A stressor, or demand, is the person or event that triggers the stress response. Distress or strain refers to the adverse psychological,

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