Stress Essay

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Stress is an inescapable fact of life, but some people have difficulty handling it. They eat too much or not at all, smoke too much, drink too much or develop other addictions. Some people blow up at others to help release tension, but that only hurts their relationships. Some diseases are even caused by stress. Although people often react to stress in harmful ways, there are many positive ways to handle stress. Three positive methods are doing something physical, talking to others and taking breaks. Doing something physical is one way to relieve stress. When I am stressed, I like to play upbeat music extremely loud and clean my house. I sometimes find myself cleaning other people’s homes also. You can dig weeds or rake leaves, scrub your floors or clean out your closets. Exercising is also a great physical technique for relieving stress. Whether it be jogging, doing pushups, or running on the treadmill, it’s still a form of exercise. Playing sports is also a great way to ease tension. You can play volleyball, basketball or any other game that requires you to use your body therefor taking your mind off whatever it is that is causing the stress. Talking is another way, and it happens to be my favorite way of relieving stress. I am thankful for the handful of friends that I have that I can talk to until I am blue in the face. If problems persist in your relationships, the best way to handle them is by talking out the problems or differences, especially if you love the person, because usually if you don’t discuss them the problems will never be solved or they might get worse. No matter with whom I have stressed related problems in my life, I like to talk it out. It can be with my boyfriend, my friends, my mom or my son. I don’t like to just leave things in bad terms, I’d rather know our differences and agree to disagree. You can also speak to a priest, a minister, a
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