To what extent was Stresemann responsible for the increased stability in Germany in 1924-29? The increased stability in Germany during the years of 1924-1929 was due to Gustav Stresemann's policies. I will be reflecting on the reasons that suggest he was responsible for this. Before Stresemann came into power German enconomy was in the air. As the chancellor in 1923 he led Germany out of the hyperinflation crisis and as the foreign minister, he ended Germany's isolation amongst the international community and helped the country to become a magnet for foreign investment.
However now, in such drastic times, the federal government realized that it needed to help the common people directly through providing more Jobs. Roosevelt and the federal government also established social security. Social security, established in 1935 when Roosevelt endorsed the Social Security Act, was insurance for the unemployed and elderly, supplying them with a monthly payment. This was put into place by the government and advertised similarly to Document E to help stabilize the welfare of the American people. At the enactment of social security was considered a very extreme move
At the end of 1923, Stresemann became Chancellor and also served as the foreign minister until his death in 1929. During these years, Germany recovered in economy, national pride and confidence. These years can be perceived as the “Golden Age” of the republic. However, this redemption in Germany may not have been as full as it seems so it is necessary to balance the successes and failures. Initially, during this period Stresemann made some tough decisions but they resulted in a stabilised economy.
Although the industrial revolution had a huge positive impact on German economy, it also lead to a rise in socialism which meant the emergence of pressure groups, such as the Nationalist pressure groups and the Economic pressure groups. These groups were often focused on single issues, but they highlighted the tensions and divisions in Germany. Foreign minister and Chancellor Von Bulow played a key part in protecting the position of the Second Reich's ruling elite. He focussed on an aggressive foreign policy to
Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal vs. Barack Obama's Economic Stimulus Plan Aiding the economy was what both of these plans were meant for. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal aided the American economy to get back on track during the 1930's. Due to the economy suffering severely from the great depression this plan was setup to help boast and get the economy going. Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan was also and aid brought out to save the economy. Due to the country facing the biggest economic crisis since the second world war, Obama and Democratic Party leaders suggested an economic stimulus package to confront the crisis.
By 1936, the German economy had recovered to the extent that Hitler’s main long term aim of creating an economy which could support sustained rearmament was possible. Throughout the period of 1933-36, this was the recovery period for Germany in order to make a more stable Germany and resolve economic problems and unemployment. Unemployment was a very big concern in Germany. When Hitler went into power in 1933, 5 million people were unemployed. Hitler had introduced many different schemes in order to decrease unemployment such as Battle for Work which was set up to help unemployed people find work.
Jan 2009 To what extent was the increase in electoral support for the Nazi Party 1928-33 the result of effective propganda & electioneering? How far did the Nazis succeed in achieving the aims of their economic policies in the years 1933-41? June 2009 How far was there economic and poitical stability in Germany, 1924-29? How far did Nazi policy towards German Jews change in the years, 1933-41? Jan 2010 How accurate is it to suggest that the Treaty of Versailles was mainly responsible for the political and economic instability in Germany 1919-23?
The main reason for Hitler’s rise to power in January 1933 was the depression. How far do you agree? In January 1933 Hindenburg gave consent for Von Papen to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, this was after the 1932 elections where Nazi propaganda was proven to be most effective. There are a number of factors that help Hitler rise to power, however it is clear that the main ones were the depression, the back stairs intrigue, the weaknesses of the Weimar government and a few more. The Great Depression was mainly in America but it also had effects on the German economy too.
Roosevelt obviously supported the Allies wholeheartedly and realized quite early in the conflict that America could not but get involved. However, he appeased himself by providing aid to the British despite several Neutrality Acts passed by Congress, while Americans wallowed in isolationism.Roosevelt proposed the court-packing plan at the beginning of his second term in office as a means of eliminating the Supreme Court as an obstacle to the New Deal. Motivated by his enormous electoral success in the recent election, he overestimated his own powers and proposed a plan to add a member to the Supreme Court for every member of the court over seventy who had not yet retired, with a maximum of fifteen. As six of the Supreme Court Justices were over seventy, including four of the most conservative, Roosevelt would have had the opportunity to pack the court with staunch New Dealers who would not dispute the constitutionality of his legislation. However, the public was horrified at such an attack on one of the pillars of American
The AAA, the CCC, the TVA, the FDIC, and the NIRA were established to create stable jobs and ways to have people help others. Deficit spending was one of the many things Roosevelt did, but he did it because it was the only way to help the United States get out of the economic struggle. The moral of the Great Depression is that there are ways for the United States to pull out of financial ruins and that desperate times calls for desperate measures. World War I: America’s