HW Ch 16 - pp 517 thru 529, pp 533 thru 539 - psyc 107 Fall 2010 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. __D__ 1. The text defines stress as: a. the negative emotional responses people experience when they are threatened b. the increased arousal people experience when they are threatened c. any environmental event that produces elevated heart rate and blood pressure d. the physical and psychological reactions people have to demanding situations __A__ 2. Hans Selye introduced the model of stress reaction called the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Selye was convinced that reactions to stressful situations: a. were general and nonspecific b. differed, depending on the type of stressor that was present c. were stronger when people had other physical illnesses d. differed, depending on the personality characteristics of the individual __A__ 3.
These biases interrelate and tend to perpetuate someone's depression. He also suggested errors in logic could be a reason for someone to behave abnormally. This concerns the way in which someone sees an event in the past, present or future. Examples of irrational thinking that both Ellis and Beck proposed are catastrophizing (wildly exaggerating the negative aspects of an event), polarized thinking (seeing everything in extreme terms), and overgeneralization (drawing conclusions based on a single event). This approach is supported by Burt et al who asked participants to recall a list of words.
Research has shown that depression and anxiety is very prevalent among retirees, and it affects their quality of life (Drentea, 2002). These psychological distresses are influenced by deprivation that is experienced in retirement (Drentea, 2002). Retirement is associated with an individual having a low sense of control (Drentea, 2002). This may be so because the income of an individual in retirement is dependent on others (Drentea, 2002). They are not actively working for the income, instead they must wait until it comes in the mail or deposited into their accounts by others (Drentea, 2002).
Jackson. According to Maslach and Jackson, “human service professionals are often required to spend a considerable time in intense involvement with other people, centering around the client’s current problems (psychological, social, and/or physical and is therefore charged with feelings of anger, embarrassment, fear or despair” ( p. 99). Due to the nature of the profession the individual often experiences chronic stress which can be emotionally draining and poses the risk for burnout. Maslach and Jackson define burnout “as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion and cynicism that occurs frequently among individuals who do ‘people-work’ of some kind” (p. 99). Three aspects of burnout are emotional exhaustion, negative, cynical attitudes and feelings about one’s clients and the tendency to evaluate oneself negatively with regards to one’s work with clients.
Associate Level Material Stress and Illness in the Workplace Matrix Use the following table to describe the relationship between stress and health in the workplace and to identify ways to reduce stress in the workplace. If you use additional sources, include citations consistent with APA guidelines. |What is the relationship between stress and health in the workplace? |Stress in the workplace and health in the workplace are both very closely related. If you are stressed at| | |work, you are more likely to have a hard time sleeping, focusing, or performing everyday activities, | | |which can lead to you no longer enjoying your job.
This theory has empirical support. For example Morrison found the underclass are faced with blocked opportunities due to their position in the social structure. Crime is then commuted because of group feelings of resentment and revenge suggesting there is some validity in this theory. Cloward and Ohlin however critical Cohen for failing to recognise different types of crime that emerge out of the legitimate opportunity structure. Cloward and Ohlin's theory differs (as the source states) from Cohen's slightly: They state access to criminal networks shape subculture types.
Workers are susceptible to different work- related differences, which can create burnout. Burnout is condition of physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion, which is caused by unnecessary and monotonous anxiety from attachment to individuals in sensitively challenging circumstance. Burnout is compiling of three key issues: emotional fatigue, feelings of little personal achievements with customers, and an awareness of depersonalization thoughts. Suffer exhaustion should be averted for the fact that it has a momentous outcome on human services workers, consumers, and even corporations. Available is a big catalog that can be categorized into sets of what causes burnout.
Underreporting occurs due to individuals being dishonest regarding their behavior, therefore causing an error in the research done. A possible solution to this limitation is focusing on observed behavior, and correlating the findings with the self-reporting behavior, therefore developing a conclusion that is more in-depth. Furthermore, Article 2 emphasized that other factors can influence self-labeling as a victim in relation to work-place bullying, not just anxiety and anger. In addition, discovering a moderation effect regarding negative acts of violence and self-labeling is hard to discover due to the psychological way an individual may experience an event. Lastly, Article 3 honed on the lack of variances of deviant behavior.
“The general strain theory departs from traditional strain theories by emphasizing the role of individual’s affective responses to negative life experiences in fostering deviant behavior.” (Aseltine, Gore, & Gordon, 2000, p. 256). In simpler terms, the general strain theory is known for being separate from the traditional strain theories because it puts its emphasis on the role of a person’s reaction to negative experiences that have occurred in their life resulting in deviant actions. “Most recently, Agnew has argued that strain may result not only from the failure to achieve positively valued goals, but also from the inability to escape legally from painful situations. If one draws on the above theories as well as the stress, equity/justice, and aggression literatures one can begin to develop a more complete classification of the types of strain.” (Agnew,1992, p.50). Agnew went on to not only explain how the general strain theory addressed the criticisms that arose with the social strain theories, but as well proclaimed that there was three different types of strain-inducing stimulants.
This has a negative impact on the individual and on the company. If an employee is being discriminated against, he develops a negative attitude towards the company and the managers. It is even very likely for the employee to start being less productive and to develop a low self esteem meaning that he cuts himself of from any possible contributions he could have made. I handed out some questionnaires to a sample of employees to gain some insight on how they feel and to see what type of discrimination might be common in my workplace. I spent the time and effort on this topic to be able to put myself in the employee’s shoes, to feel what they feel and to see what they see and hopefully I can gain some understanding and