Store and Retrieve Information

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Hayley Ball Unit 701 Personal Statement. Store &; Retrieve Information In my job role I understand the processes involved for storing and retrieving information. The Organisation I work for stores a large amount of information, storing the wrong information is of no use. So before storing information, I need to be careful and accurate when data is collected or gathered. Care has to be taken to make sure that the data is correct and up to date. It also applies to retrieval of data, data retrieval is for a purpose and there is no use retrieving data that is out of date. So the systems I work with have to be kept updated all the times by checking for out-dated records , such as married names, addresses new GP practices etc . The purpose of confirming information is to avoid inaccurate information, to avoid wrong information, to prevent mistakes, and also to avoid unnecessary costs and issues that might arise as a result of wrong information. Wrong information can lead to serious outcomes. For example, an out-dated address of a patient, can lead to any communications sent to the patient ending up in the hands of a wrong or dangerous person, which can have disastrous effects on the patients’ health wellbeing and also my organisation. The information that I use needs to be checked for accuracy because inaccurate information can lead to serious outcomes. Information can relate to anything with regards to my organisation. When it comes to patients, it can be their address, telephone number or next of kin details, when it comes to employees, it can be their appraisals, salaries, again their address and telephone numbers, and for the business, it can be the business’s finances, profits, employee details, and various other information. An alert is set up on the IPM that I use so that if under my log in or smart card I go into the ‘Personal info ‘ tab on IPM ,the

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