Stl 3 Cyp Core 3.1 Lo 2.3.

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CYP core 3.1 LO 2.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice. We have different types of theories of development to monitor a child's development process. It can help recognise any problems that arise whether it is physical, social, language, emotional or intellectual development. It also shows reasons to children’s behaviour and how not only internal, but external factors can affect development. Theories of development. Jean Piaget (1896 – 1980) – Cognitive Piaget's theory was that children construct or build up their thoughts according to their experiences of the world around them. The child's conclusions or thoughts are known as 'schema' (building blocks of knowledge). The child will adapt their schema when new information is received. As a child develops, so does their thinking. Piaget believed that children go through 4 stages of developing independent thinking. This is as follows: Sensorimotor (0-2 years) Development of object performance Begins to use symbols 2) Preoperational (2-7 years) Uses symbols in play and thought Egocentrism Centration Animism Inability to conserve 3) Concrete operational (7-11 years) Ability to conserve Begin to solve mental problems using practical supports 4) Formal operational (11-15 years) Can think about situations that they have not yet experienced Can juggle ideas in their minds Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) – Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud's theory was that personality is made up of 3 parts, the 'id', the 'ego' and the 'super ego'. Not all of these parts are present at birth but develop along with the child. He discovered a link between unconscious thoughts and actions. ID | EGO | SUPER EGO | Instinctive part of personality Governed by the needs of the

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