Stl 18 – Support Pupils Learning Activites

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STL 18 – SUPPORT PUPILS LEARNING ACTIVITES K1. The role of a Learning Support Assistant is to support pupils with their learning development in line with the schools aims and policies. Working in the classroom a LSA works under the direction of the class teacher providing support to specific pupils on the ALN register and to assist the teacher in the management of the pupils. Learning Support Assistants are part of the SEN Department and work under the LSA Leader and the SENCO. K2. High expectations of pupils are important so they can set themselves targets and achieve their full potential. This is demonstrated through setting the pupils goals within a lesson, providing support when need and through praise and encouragement. K3. It is important to be knowledgeable of the school curriculum and age related expectations of pupils. Different pupils have different needs; supported students may have specific learning needs (ALN Register) and some may be capable of exceeding expectations of age and curriculum. K4. It is important to know clearly what the teachers aims and objectives and where they fit in the shceme of work. Regular discussions with the class teacher regarding the scheme of work and knowing how they want you to support the class. K5. There are many factors that can affect the way pupils learn, different learning styles should be taken into account as they may differ from pupil to pupil. Ease of access is important for pupils who have needs that may affect their learning and it is important to make a suitable working environment. For example; a child with a visual impairment may need to be sat nearer to the board and have sufficient light, overlays and enlarged text. K6. Pupil grouping and social organisation needs to be mixed ability and behaviour. Having a class of children with behavioural difficulties may make it hard for them to learn
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