This is important statement because it proves that gender identity and sexual orientation is not purely choice, but driven by biological forces. Because hormones play such a diverse role in bodily functions, I will break down hormones into categories to provide clarification. Hormones are chemicals that come from the endocrine gland and are released into the circulatory system (Pinel, 2009). Hormones affect other endocrine glands or various parts in the nervous system. There are three types of hormones: amino acids, peptides and proteins, and steroids (Pinel, 2009).
The Pros and Cons of Steroids for Athletes Minhaj Ghayur Writing 102 Dr. Turner May 11, 2010 Abstract Steroids have become a hot topic in the media and sports these days. A lot of athletes are being caught using steroids and jeopardizing their careers. The media and other health related organizations are trying to provide people with a better knowledge of steroids and the risks of taking steroids. Almost everybody knows the benefits of taking steroids, but does not know the overall process that goes with taking steroids and living the life afterwards. This research studies the pros and cons of using steroids.
However, drug abuse in professional sports can be anything. Things such as marijuana, alcohol, Human growth hormones, amphetamines, prescription drugs and other performance enhancers are just some of the drugs that are found in a drug test. "Performance enhancers, like steroids and other forms of doping, have a negative effect on long-term health. For then users of these enhancers are hurting themselves in the long run without on the average improving their short-term rewards from athletic competition, as long as competitors also use harmful enhancers. This is the main rationale for trying to ban steroids and other forms of doping from athletic competitions."
This happens because the sudden elimination or decrease of a hormone in the body can lead to very serious health effects that can result to injury or even death. That is why discontinuation of anabolic steroids too quickly is an improper way to evade the effects of steroids as the withdrawal process comes with side effects of its own. These withdrawal symptoms are the long term effects that the athlete (steroid taking individual) will have to live with in the long run. Examples of some of these include apathy and depression, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, a decreased sex drive, joint and muscle pain &
Steroids in Professional Sports Anabolic-Androgenic steroids are a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle, which increases strength to help in an athlete’s sport. Attempts to increase testosterone go all the way back to the original Olympic Games. Steroids did not receive a great amount of attention until the 20th century. Since then, steroids have been prevalent in most all sports. Anabolic-Androgenic steroids have been found being used in the Olympics, FIFA, National Football League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball and some types of wrestling.
They would get mad at everyone and everything and often get very violent and most often they ended up hurting others or even themselves. This could happen to athletes that use anabolic steroids; sports people could end up ruining their careers while trying to improve them. If PED were legalised a whole new market would open, and where there’s money to be made there are dodgy people trying to make money out of scams. These dodgy people might try to make money by selling low quality cheap drugs. These drugs might have serious health effects for athletes that might even be
All though not all athletes who use them will have these side effects or health problems. But there have been numerous documented cases of the health risks these drugs cause. Steroids have a number of health problems and some of these problems are. Increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver damage, stunted growth, torn muscles, acne, stretch marks, tumors, cancer, shrinkage of testicles, infertility, mood swings, depression, aggression and addiction. It is with these problems that steroids are illegal.
Research has shown that these steroids can harm kids who are developing. Some of the negative side effects begin to show up in later years. One of the main reasons they are so controversial is because steroids are also illegal. Therefore the question that arises as steroid use increases is “Should anabolic steroids be legalized?” Discussion In this whole anabolic steroids issue, lots of people are involved. There are a number of parties that are all affected by this issue.
The third main reason that people should not use steroids is because it causes many other health problems in their life. (That’s if the steroids don’t kill you first.) Steroids can cause depression, hostility and aggression towards other people, eating disorders, stunted growth in young people, unwanted body hair, acne and the risk of HIV, hepatitis B and C, if you are using a needle to shoot the steroids into your veins. Steroids also can make your muscle tissue weak. When people take steroids their muscles get used to it, and then if they stop, their muscles get very weak.
The teacher was told "J.C." when she asked his name to enter in her roll book, but she thought he said "Jesse". The name stuck and he would be known as Jesse Owens for the rest of his life. His promising athletic career began in 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio where he set Junior High School records by clearing 6 feet in the high jump, and leaping 22 feet 11 3/4 inches in the broad jump. During his high school days, he won all of the major track events, including the Ohio state championship three consecutive years. At the National Interscholastic meet in Chicago, during his senior year, he set a new high school world record by running the 100 yard dash in 9.4 seconds to tie the accepted world record, and he created a new high school world record in the 220 yard dash by running the distance in 20.7 seconds.