Stereotypes In The Film 'Flor De Los Muertos'

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Person Percy Mr. Mister Essay #3 August 1st, 2013 American Ethics Stereotypes are something that we all hate, all are aware of, yet somehow, all have. Being Americans we sometimes allow ourselves to get so isolated as to think that we only hold stereotypes of ourselves and of other nationalities as a whole. However, what we fail to acknowledge is that we are not the only country who maintain such stereotypes on this Earth. As a matter of fact, when comparing the stereotypical “American” to citizens of foreign nations one could make a strong argument that we as a society actually have the worst stereotypes. Mexico, is one of these countries that strongly holds a negative view of the stereotypical Amrican. The United States multiple acts,…show more content…
As the saying goes, a picture is worth one thousand words and Danny Vinik’s mysteriously crafted film we can see thousands of pictures, videos, performances, interviews, and much more that captures the true loving, exhilarating, and family spirit of a one of a kind Mexican holiday celebration. “Flor De Muertos” shows us a brief yet inviting view of the Dia De Los Muertos fiesta; a day used to oppose the American and classical norm of sorrow and silence and actually celebrate the death of those loved ones and an all souls procession. There is one extremely inspirational part of this film that I found connects perfectly to “Letter to Mexico’s” major theme of the struggle of trying to be an ethical American in such a different world found so closely to our safe, delightful land of the free. We are a country hours away, yet decades behind in advancement, but this does not mean those citizens of Mexico can’t be as fun loving as us. The scene I am referring to is where a white male, sees the opportunity to not treat the large steel U.S. border, one that many see as a division, as a source of connection and fun between two civilians of different countries. This gentleman is no world renowned activist, no hero, and no leader of some branch of the Red Cross. He is just an average American man who had the courage and the knowledge to be ethical. He desires to be a sign of difference, and be ethical in this land some risk their entire life and livestock for to leave. What this man does is collaborate with children and invoke them to take wooden sticks, or ladles, or anything and use them as drum sticks. Yet what’s a hammer without a nail. So he advises them to look at the thing Mexicans see as the biggest negative reminder of their “insufficient

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