Stereotypes Among Malays

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Introduction Social Psychology According to Abraham Maslow, a human needs five basic things in their life and one of them is society where human want to feel the sense of belonging. Thus, human need society to feel belong in a group. Society can provide the affiliation feeling based on basic human desires for approval, support, security, friendship and information. Society also provide a guideline for a person to react in an information where Kulik, Mahler and Moore, 2003 refer as social comparisons. Social comparison is comparing your own actions, feelings, opinions or abilities to those to others. If one ever comparing an action, for example comparing notes before taking an exam one is fulfilling the social comparison needs (Festinger, 1957), thus, social comparison is making judgements on oneself through evaluation with others. In order to satisfy the need of human desire for social, one will try to affiliate with another. Affiliation usually occurs when one is attracted to another. There are a few types of attraction that brings people together. The first one is the interpersonal attraction where the feeling of similarity to another person. One usually will look for someone who is understanding, with the same interest and overall, like oneself in return. The second type of affiliation is physical proximity. One usually chooses friends who are nearer. Proximity promotes attraction by increasing the frequency of contact between people (Coon & Mitterer, 2009). For example, one will be more involved in friendship with classmates or co workers. Thirdly, one will be attracted to the physical attraction. Beautiful people always being regard more than just average looking one. At times, people tend to feel beautiful people is also likeable. Thus, one will be attracted to know them. However, beautiful are one to perceive. Some people may admire film
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