Statistics Case Solution -Pelican Stores

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Solutions to Case Problems Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Presentations Case Problem: Pelican Stores 1. Because there are 100 observations in the sample, the frequency and percent frequency distribution are the same. Percent frequency distributions for many of the variables are given. |Method of Payment |Percent Frequency | |American Express | 2 | |Discover | 4 | |MasterCard | 14 | |Proprietary Card | 70 | |Visa | 10 | |Total: |100 | |No. of Items |Percent Frequency | |1 | 29 | |2 | 27 | |3 | 10 | |4 | 10 | |5 | 9 | |6 | 7 | |7 or more | 8 | |Total: |100 | |Discount |Percent Frequency | |0.00 - 29.99 |74 | |30.00 - 59.99 | 18 | |60.00 - 89.99 | 3 | |90.00 - 119.99 | 3 | |120.00 - 149.99 | 1 | |150.00 - 179.99 | 1 | |Total: |100 | |Sales |Percent Frequency | |0.00 - 29.99 |13 | |30.00 - 59.99 |38 | |60.00 - 89.99 |20 |

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