Srm Hypothesis Essay

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Impact of Social Support and Self-Esteem on Academic Performance mediated by Confidence Social Research Methods Course Facilitator: Prof. D. Israel Hypothesis Essays Table of Contents Introduction 2 Figurative Model 2 Design 2 Methodology 2 Respondents 2 Self-esteem directly influences academic confidence 3 Social Support directly influences academic confidence 4 Academic confidence leads to higher academic achievement 5 Family Income can moderate the Impact of social support 6 Bibliography 7 Introduction From the study we intend to measure the Impact of Social Support and Self-Esteem on Academic confidence and which significantly predicts the academic performance. Social support is mediated by family income and therefore can affect academic confidence. Figurative Model Family Income Academic Performance Social Support Self-esteem Academic Confidence Family Income Academic Performance Social Support Self-esteem Academic Confidence Design * Purpose Testing: Hypothesis Testing * Type of Investigation: Causal * Study Setting: Natural Environment or non-contrived Setting * Unit of Analysis : Individual * Time Horizon: One-Time Data Collection Methodology * Online Questionnaire (Easy to administer/ Fast Delivery/Global/Inexpensive) * Personal administering of Questionnaires Respondents * Post graduate students * Target Group: MBA Colleges Self-esteem directly influences academic confidence Hypothesis – self-esteem directly influences academic confidence. Self-esteem can be considered a predictor for self-confidence - a determinant of academic confidence. High self-esteem should lead to higher academic confidence while low academic confidence would relate to low self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to one’s perception about his/her qualities and abilities. A person with high self-esteem
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