Sports Figures as Role Models

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How Athletes Should be Viewed as Role Models We live in a time when the lives of everyone are opened and scrutinized in great detail at a moment’s notice. Athletes who work hard and do their best can make one unwise decision today, and tomorrow they will be all over the news. In light of today’s social media and instant access to the news, the question many parents have on their minds is, “Should I allow my child to look up to professional athletes as a role model?” It is impossible for youth not to look up to great athletes. Parents should attempt to guide their children to emulate the characteristics that make athletes successful, but also teach them to understand that all people are human and make mistakes. Athletes, for the most part, are no different from today than they ever were. When we look at the lives of athletes of the past, we can see proof of this. According to Kathy Hahn, “ Babe Ruth grew into a barrel-chested, spindle-legged man of average intelligence who loved chasing women, gulping hot dogs by the dozen, and swilling copious amounts of beer. A typical photo of the pug-nosed, overweight Ruth shows him with one arm circling a woman's waist, the other hand clutching a beer stein, and his lips wrapping a wide grin around a huge cigar.”(Hahn) Everyone who knows baseball looks up to Babe Ruth, but everyone seems to forget that he was not the best role model. The difference between then and now is the massive amount of instant media that can propel an athlete into the spotlight very quickly. Most parents would be thrilled if their child attempted to emulate his home run record but not many parents would want their child to emulate Ruth’s off the field lifestyle. The media in Ruth’s day was not as invasive as they are today. Most youth of today look up to athletes because of what they do in their particular sport and not what they do in their personal

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