Spongebob's Bad For Children: Article Analysis

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Since its invention over fifty years ago, television has been criticized by many as being bad for children’s brains. As television has advanced throughout the years, so have the fast paced, mindless shows designed for young children. In the article “Is SpongeBob SquarePants Bad for Children?” Roni Rabin discusses a research study that sought to prove that watching SpongeBob SquarePants has a negative effect on a child’s executive functioning system. The results of this small experimental study found that children who watched nine minutes of a fast paced cartoon had decreased their executive functioning compared to children who participated in nine minutes of drawing or watching educational programs. Connecting fast paced television viewing to losses in cognitive ability has profound significance for children’s social and learning development. I believe that the author made valid points throughout her article to discuss the shortcomings of the research study as well as the significance the research could have if the research study was broadened to a larger sample of children. The…show more content…
The author not only discussed the shortcomings of the research article, but she made valid points as to how the research was meaningful and significant. The impact of the article leaves readers with the sense that there needs to be a change in what our children are watching. The research study proved that even in as little as nine minutes children’s overall cognitive functioning decreases when watching fast paced shows. By watching these fast paced shows (compared to drawing or educational programs) children are being primed to be A.D.H.D like impulsive and are not being able to control their attention spans, solve problems, or handle delay of gratification and working memory dilemmas. From the results and the article, parents should be aware of the consequences that these fast paced programs may have on their
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