Spiritual Values at Workplace

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Spiritual Values at Workplace 3. Spirituality in the workplace is a movement that began in early 1920s. It emerged as a grassroots movement with individuals seeking to live their faith or spiritual values in the workplace. Spirituality in the workplace is a practical method for attaining organizational success. It is a conception that evolved over many years of management experience. Intentions and motives behind every decision made on behalf of a business, its leadership, and its employees manifest into positive or adverse based on the purity of the original intentions and motivations with which such decisions are made. In short, ill intentions result in negative consequences and pure intentions result in positive consequences or success. 4. Spirituality acts as a regulative ideal. This ideal generates an embedded network of specific moral values that represents an ‘internalized disposition’ to act and be motivated in particular ways which address an spiritual individual’s conception of what makes for excellence, in terms of their roles and responsibilities. The regulative ideal will provide a standard that informs judgment and helps to govern moral choices made in the context of daily working practice. It will be a reference point that will help to regulate both motivation and conduct so that a spiritual individual tends to conform to their internalized conception of good or excellent spirituality. To put this differently, motivations, decisions and actions that harmonize with a person’s regulative ideal are appropriate and practiced, while those that clash with it are rejected. Characteristics of Spiritual Workplace 5. Identifying desired characteristics of spiritual workplaces can bring us closer to understanding the role that spirituality can play in any organization. Following are the six effects that can be associated with a model of workplace
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