Spiritual Values at Work Place

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Spirituality is highly personal, and what works for you may be a total turn-off for your coworkers. If you need to chant and burn incense before every meeting, for example, you may run into a bit of resistance from those around you. If, on the other hand, you just need to take a quiet minute for reflection before a big meeting, you likely won’t bother others so much. While spirituality usually refers to beliefs, values and a sense of connectedness with the world, it’s the rituals and practice that sometimes create complications in the workplace. Sponsored Link Compliance & Ethics Blog Industry Resources forCompliance & Ethics News complianceandethics.org Individual Benefits Practicing spiritual values in the workplace can bring benefits to you and your coworkers. Your sense of connectedness to your world may provoke a sense of pride and meaning that is reflected in your performance and rubs off on others, increasing morale and having a positive effect on the productivity of everyone around you. Creativity and imagination often blossom when employees are encouraged to reach their potential through spiritual awareness. Since many spiritual values are universal, and since happiness and enthusiasm are infectious, you may even find that everyone at work gets along better, relationships flourish and teamwork improves. Spiritual Business Orientation Businesses often include a spiritual mandate or belief in their mission statements. Business owners, stockholders and management consider how operations affect local communities and the planet as a whole, for example. Business leaders realize that the sense of fulfillment among workers leads to a more productive and profitable venture. Businesses that embrace spiritual principles often foster a culture of compassion, empathy and love. For their efforts, they are likely to find added benefits, such as customer
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